Living in the North Country, Boundary Effects is a blog by Austin Jantzi. Though a physicist, I write mostly about books, sometimes about music, but generally about whatever I find interesting.

Common Birds XVIII - Wild Turkey

Common Birds XVIII - Wild Turkey

For my son

The afternoon is hushed.

Two geese sleep in the steam-bed’s grass,

And a mallard untucks and shakes his deep green head.

The rain has passed.

A chickadee pries its beak behind the bark

Of a tree that buds new life and silver droplets. 

Mist is in the air,

Casting each of us in light without a shadow,

Reminding me that the Heavens brush my face.

I startle a wild turkey.

His head is still so soft with light brown down.

And he totters down the bank to get some space.

I want to hold him.

I want to hug him to my chest,

To somehow let him know that we are blessed.

Common Birds XIX - American Robin II

Common Birds XIX - American Robin II

Common Birds XVII - Great Blue Heron II

Common Birds XVII - Great Blue Heron II