Living in the North Country, Boundary Effects is a blog by Austin Jantzi. Though a physicist, I write mostly about books, sometimes about music, but generally about whatever I find interesting.

Inside: must we imagine Jeffery Bezos happy?

Inside: must we imagine Jeffery Bezos happy?

It’s been a little while. 

In the meantime I’ve gone on a lot of walks, worked on other writing projects, thought about what I want to say and how to say it, rereading Piranesi, and watched Inside, the new comedy(?) special from Bo Burnham.  

Usually, I read or watch something and try to distil some ~meaning~ from it. I thought about comparing the ending of Make Happy to the ending of Inside. Bo Burnham walks out of a door in both cases but to wildly different results. But Piranesi (the character) challenged me to not enter a labyrinth looking for the hidden and secret knowledge (which is ironic in light of the last time I talked about the book), and Bo Burnham challenged me to just shut up. I’m going to try. Afterall, walks don’t really need to be mined for meaning for me to take them basically every day and enjoy them. So I’ll try shutting up after asking a question inspired by Inside and Camus:

Must (is it necessary that) we imagine Jeffery Bezos happy? 

Ode to a Nuthatch

Ode to a Nuthatch

The Legend of Korra and Political Power

The Legend of Korra and Political Power