All in (un)cultured

Metroid and the Iliad

The Iliad is a story that most people know and understand, or at least they think they do. But even in reading the Iliad, we may discover that we don’t understand it as we thought we did, at least not until the very end.

Autumn and the Four Quartets

Once again we see how two seemingly different works of literature not only share much in common, but reveal universal truths. This time, Autumn by Ali Smith and the Four Quartets, by TS Elliot, both discuss the impact of our past on the present, and the hope that we ultimately have in our future.

Paddington and the Idiot

Paddington is a darling, compassionate bear who will win over your heart in the same way he wins over the hearts of all those he encounters. But Paddington is more than a beloved children’s character; much like Fyodor Dostoevsky explores in The Idiot, Paddington is an experiment in the life changing power of goodness in the world.