Living in the North Country, Boundary Effects is a blog by Austin Jantzi. Though a physicist, I write mostly about books, sometimes about music, but generally about whatever I find interesting.

Common Birds 35 - Common Yellowthroat

Common Birds 35 - Common Yellowthroat

Monday, June 5

Rain is falling, gray bars which imprison us inside, but I have a raincoat and it works just fine. So, I’m out, under the falling sky.

I need more sleep. One month until the baby comes, and already I need more sleep, which is its own sort of rain, leaving me hazy and longing for my covers.

But there’s work I have to do, so I’ll exploit it to see and hear my life. I hear the sound of a thousand droplets diving through the atmosphere to splash into the pond. I hear the common yellowthroat, a brownish warbler with a bandit's black mask and yellow kerchief, singing somewhere I can’t see. I see the honeysuckle bending down to show me newly glistening leaves.

I try to muster up my thoughts, but they’re defeated by my sleepiness. So, I give up and just stand in the rain, listening to it fall and to the yellowthroat, and rest.

Common Birds 36 - American Robin 4

Common Birds 36 - American Robin 4

Common Birds 34 - American Redstart III

Common Birds 34 - American Redstart III